How to Care for Your Sick Pet

4 min read

When a beloved pet seems a bit “off,” it might be more than just a bad day; it could be a sign of mild sickness or a more serious illness. Here are some tips for recognizing the symptoms of sickness in pets and getting your pet the care they need to recover.Keep in mind that animals will generally attempt to mask signs of illness. This behavior is a natural instinct that is used for protection in the wild, where any animal showing signs of weakness is likely to be shunned by its own kind or attacked by predators, according to experts from best payout online casino.

  1. Keep Them Clean

A sick pet often lacks the energy to groom. Give a helping paw with a gentle daily brush and use damp cotton balls to clean their eyes, mouth, and ears. Sick cats in particular enjoy a cotton-ball blanket bath — it’s like being licked by another cat. Pay careful attention to toileting needs. For bed-bound pets, provide bedding that wicks urine away from the skin, such as Vetbed or puppy pads. Gently sponge-bath their rear to keep it free from urine, then pat them dry. Also, if the pet is leaking urine, apply a barrier layer of Sudocrem or Vaseline over their delicate parts. If the pet has bladder control but finds it difficult to walk, then provide an indoor toilet. This could be as simple as a puppy pad by the back door or a litter tray near their bed. This maintains their dignity (they don’t soil themselves) and minimizes the cleanup for you.

  1. Provide Beneficial Bedding

Any animal that doesn’t move is at risk of bed sores or worse. Be sure to change the side they lay on at least once an hour. This prevents blood pooling in the lungs and causing complications, such as hypostatic pneumonia. Vetbed is a great option because it cushions the joints and keeps moisture away from the skin. You can also offer deep layers of bedding, perhaps with towels on top for ease of laundering, courtesy of online casino for real money.

  1. Rethink Food and Feeding

Ask your vet if there are any dos and don’ts about what the pet can eat (such as curry sauce). Then offer small portions, little and often. It’s usually a good idea to offer a food the pet hasn’t eaten before or is unlikely to eat again (such as steak). This is because some pets develop a food aversion to a flavor offered while they’re sick. It’s a bit like when you had food poisoning after eating at a seafood restaurant and now can’t bear to be in the same room as shrimp.

  1. Attend to Medical Needs

Follow medication instructions precisely; 3 tablets a day means giving 1 tablet every 8 hours. This spacing is important for how the drugs work, and giving at 8 a.m., 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. is not as effective. For the pet with a poor appetite, avoid hiding pills in food. Doing so risks destroying what little interest they have in eating. Instead, learn to pop the pill straight down their throat (syringe water in afterward so it doesn’t stick in the gullet), or speak to the vet about injectable alternatives.

  1. Keep Close Eye for Any Changes

As a pet owner, you’ll feel in tune with your pets and will know when something is wrong. Even if the vet has told you there’s nothing to worry about, if something changes, let them know. Some illnesses can come on quickly, so if your pet seems to be deteriorating, get them an emergency appointment.

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