Things that you Should do When Moving into your New Home

3 min read

Once you have sold your house, it is time to get ready to move into your new home. This is a busy time, and you will have a lot going on, but it pays to be organised when you are planning what to do to help you settle well into your new home. So, when the big day of the move finally comes and you move into your new home, here are some of the things to bear in mind that will help you to get off to the best start in your new abode…

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The first thing is to make sure that all the things that were agreed upon in the sale are done – for example, if certain fixtures and fitting, and things like white goods were agreed that they were going to be left there, go around the house and check that all of these things have been left. It is also important to check that things that were not agreed on haven’t been left, for example old furniture or garden waste. If things are not as agreed, then you should contact the solicitor to get it resolved.

Make sure that all things that you need are ready to go such as heating and water. Check who your utilities providers are and contact them to let them know that you have moved in, and if you want to switch providers, then now is the time to do this. You may also want to get other jobs done in the home, such as making sure that you have internet and television connections, which you will need to get a professional to do such as this TV aerial installation Gloucester based company

Before you start to tear the boxes open and pull everything out, spend some time deciding what is going where. Hopefully you will have labelled the boxes that you packed so you will be able to identify what is in them – move boxes and furniture into the correct room that they will be going into, and you will find that unpacking is so much easier when things are already in the right places!

Give it a clean – although hopefully the house has been left clean for you, cleaning things yourself is a good way to start off and settle in. Go through each room and get it looking clean and sparkly before you start to unpack everything.


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If you have small children or a dog or cat, then there may be things in the new house that pose a hazard to them. Make these things safe as soon as possible – for example, the garden fence may need repairing so that the dog cannot get out or you may need to put stairgates up – do a risk assessment and identify what needs to be done to make it safe for kids and pets.

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