What Are Good Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions?

4 min read

To design a customer satisfaction survey, you’ll want to ask several types of questions to get a variety of views from your respondents. But there are some questions that you should never ask. Here are some tips to keep in mind. A general rule of thumb is to avoid yes-no or agree-disagree questions. Dichotomous questions, like yes/no or multiple choice, are terrible.

Avoid asking open-ended questions.

Open-ended questions are a common mistake, but they can help you collect more valuable insights. Open-ended responses can cause the results to be skewed, as three people responding with a negative response might think about each item individually, while three customers expressing a high level of satisfaction might not notice the difference. When asking for feedback, avoid asking open-ended questions in customer satisfaction surveys.

Despite their potential to provide more in-depth insights, open-ended questions are also difficult to analyze. In addition, respondents are unlikely to spend time writing lengthy comments, so make sure the open-ended questions are optional. For example, make your demographic questions the last question of the survey. Make sure to ask for information that you need, which is legal. For this reason, it is better to ask for demographic information than personal information.

Avoid asking yes/no or agree/disagree questions.

When conducting a customer satisfaction survey, the best way to avoid a yes/no or agree/disapprove is to make the question more specific and complex. These questions tend to yield unhelpful results as customers cannot always provide a meaningful response. Instead, it would be best to break the question down into several objectives. For example, instead of asking, “Was the customer service representative helpful?” ask, “Did you solve your problem on your own?” This way, you will better understand what the customers need from the customer service department.

Another way to avoid using yes/no or agree/disapprove questions in a customer satisfaction survey is to tailor the questionnaire to the product or service you are selling. Multi-choice questions are often more appropriate because they make answering the survey easier and faster for the customers. However, multiple-choice questions can be confusing for participants. They may answer the question wrongly or even jump out of the customer survey.

Avoid asking multiple questions.

While conducting a customer satisfaction survey, some basic principles must be kept in mind when crafting survey questions. First, avoid doing the survey too long. If you ask too many questions, your respondents will tire out quickly. Secondly, they will be uncomfortable answering multiple questions, which may lead to incomplete and inaccurate data. This article will discuss some of the most common mistakes to avoid while designing a survey.

To avoid such situations, you should create one question that asks two things. This is called a double-barreled question, and it is easy to spot because it often includes words like “and” and “or.”

Avoid asking dichotomous questions.

While using a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question in customer satisfaction surveys may be tempting, this method is not recommended. A dichotomous question gives respondents only one of two possible answers – a yes or a no answer. This type of question may be effective in situations where a single solution will give you a broader perspective but is not recommended for more general survey questions.

The answer to dichotomous questions is “yes” or “no.” Unfortunately, those answers are often subjective and aren’t very useful in customer satisfaction surveys. Instead, ask respondents to rate a single or multiple aspects of your business. If you ask this question to survey respondents, you risk creating an inaccurate analytic report that will make your data less useful. Also, avoid asking customers about their satisfaction with certain products and services.

Avoid asking scale questions.

When preparing customer satisfaction survey questions, always keep the purpose of the question in mind. For example, asking customers to rate your products and services on a scale of one to ten is generally unnecessary. In addition, it will only add excessive length to your survey and send respondents scrambling for the “back” button. Instead, use open-ended questions to get more in-depth feedback. You can also avoid using grids and matrix questions altogether.

Instead of asking people to rate your product or service on a scale from 1-10, use rating scales. Ensure that the top of the scale is positive and the bottom one is negative. By tracking customer satisfaction year-round, you can gauge how good your support and service are. However, avoid mixing the short-term and long-term measures of happiness. Instead, keep these questions separate from your general CSAT results.

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